How to start your own gaming blog

Having your own gaming blog is a dream for many game enthusiasts. Some, however, shy away from it: they think that creating their own website is time-consuming and complicated. Nowadays, however, that is no longer true at all. Really anyone can create a blog - website providers like Wix make it possible. There are numerous templates on these platforms, which makes it easy for the inexperienced to create their own website. A web designer is no longer absolutely necessary - you just need to know what you want to publish on your gaming blog!

How to create your own blog

Thanks to website providers with a modular principle, anyone can now create their own gaming blog. You don't need any special programming or web skills. Proceed in one of the following ways:

1. think up a name

Before you start creating your blog, you should think of a name for the blog and the domain. It should sound interesting and users should know what it's about at first glance.

Most website providers give their users the option to choose: The free version is usually hosted by the provider and therefore includes the provider's extension in the web address. If you want your own address without the provider's name, you usually have to pay for the domain - this can make sense because it makes the blog look more professional.

2. create a blog

The next step is to create the website. Decide on a theme from the catalogue and choose how you want your blog to look. It's best to choose colours and fonts that you like and that suit your blog.

This step is particularly easy if you use a template. The template already contains a coherent structure - you then only need to fill the website with content.

3. fill your blog with content

Before you go live with your blog, you should fill it with texts. In addition to the topics you want to cover, it can also be useful to have an "About me" sub-page. This way, readers will get to know you better and feel more connected to you.

It makes sense to start with some content when you launch your blog. So first collect some ideas and write several texts in advance to make them live when the blog is published. After that, you can publish new contributions bit by bit.

What is in a gaming blog?

A gaming blog is - logically - about gaming, computers, consoles and similar topics. Among other things, you could publish blog posts in the following categories:

game reviews

New game releases

Comparison of accessories/gadgets

Tips for games or entire walkthroughs

News about the gaming industry

Of course, it's up to you to decide what you want to put on your blog. Basically, you can write about any topic that moves you and the gaming world.

If you want to gain followers with your blog, you should mainly choose current and trendy topics. These can also be trends that are only indirectly related to gaming - at the moment, for example, a very hot topic: NFTs. This is not directly a gaming topic, but it is definitely linked to the digital world and therefore perhaps interesting for many gamers.

Tips for your blog

You can pursue different goals with a blog. Either you do it because you like to write and share your experiences or because you want to build up reach and maybe even earn money with it.

Some tips can help you create a good blog. This way, you will not only enjoy it yourself, but you will also make sure that it is well received by your readers.

Enjoy gaming

Your readers will notice if you really enjoy gaming. Therefore, only decide to create a blog if gaming is close to your heart. Only then will you be able to convey the emotions in your blog posts correctly and get your readers to stick with you.

Find a niche

It can make sense to focus on a niche with your blog. For example, decide on a genre that you mainly write about. Alternatively, if you like to play games from different subject areas, you could be an expert on playing on a certain console or test different types of gaming hardware.

Produce good content

With good and exciting posts, you will naturally build up a certain fan base that will constantly follow your new blog posts. To expand your reach and reach more people, you should also polish your writing. This is especially important if you want to monetise your blog. Therefore, improve your writing skills or work with a professional copywriter or editor. Using SEO can also help you reach more readers.

Is it difficult to start a gaming blog?

Anyone can create their own gaming blog. If you are passionate about it and follow some basics, you can even become very successful. Thanks to kit website providers, it is now possible for anyone to create their own blog. You just have to have the guts!